What is the unique value that people pursue for handmade works?

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What is the unique value that people pursue for handmade works?

First of all, let's look at the characteristics of non-handmade products:
The standardized mode of unified batch production can meet the requirements of easy duplication, update blocks, and strong timeliness, which is in line with the rapid iterative development of the current society and meets the needs of most people. Various items that appear in life appear around us through mass production on industrial assembly lines, and we are used to all of them. These items are more like a product of exquisite practical rationality, a kind of static balance.
So for the shape structure and function, is it reasonable? Is it what you want it to be? Can it be a little more fun? Can it meet my needs beyond utility functions? I believe that with such doubts, many people will make their own small products and small objects by themselves, and many handmade crafts will be produced.
Well, at least to meet the needs of a small number of people. It can satisfy needs other than basic functions, such as aesthetic needs, psychological needs, emotional needs, etc. Then its value is something that can supplement the basic needs of non-handmade works.
From the perspective of the development of human society, from the early self-sufficiency and self-reliance of handicrafts, to industrialized mass production and commodity trading, and to the current full development of industrialization, handmade items are more precious and warmer, and they are now favored and cherished by people. favorite.
So what is the core value of handmade works? For craftsmen, handmade works should be the carrier of self-expression, pursuing the warmth and texture of craftsmanship. For ordinary consumer groups, the popularity of handmade products satisfies the unique and individual aesthetic needs, as well as the recognition of internal culture.
Log Color Wood Hollow Carved Photo Frame Decoration Crafts
Log Color Wood Hollow Carved Photo Frame Decoration Crafts
Name: Log Color Wood Hollow Carved Photo Frame Decoration Crafts
Size: 17.5cm*17.5m*1.5cm
Weight: 224g
Product Description
The home life photo frame can be placed anywhere in the home. The special handmade craftsmanship makes each photo frame unique.